
"Giant Pandas Reintroduction" Specialized Program


This program is aimed at funding the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Dujiangyan Breeding and Wild-release Research Center – Panda Valley. The Wild-release Research Center (Panda valley), located in Baima Village, Yutang Town, Dujiangyan 50 kilometers away from Chengdu, will occupy 2,004 acres, with a planned investment of 300 million RMB and a wild-release research ecological area of 1.4 square kilometers. after the center is completed,it will be able to accommodate 30-40 giant pandas and 50-100 red pandas and other wildlife. In May 2010 the foundations of the wild-release center were successfully laid. In December 2011, the phase I of the project (which provided for the intil conditions of the giant panda re-release training research) was completed and approved via an expert’s site inspection.



At present, the wild-release center has the enclosure, indoor and outdoor feeding facilities and equipment, environmental enrichment, food and staffing well prepared. The main gate of the wild-release center is an 11 meter-high giant panda-abstract structure created from metallic materials. In this semi-wild ecological wild-release transitional experimental area, the giant panda will temporarily live in a blockhouse-shaped enclosure, and gradually get used to live in the wild.

After 6 giant pandas are settled, they will receive transitional training, whilst they are in captivity to assess and evaluate if they are ready to be reintroduced to the wild. However these 6 pandas are the initial participants, and in the future more giant pandas will be here to participate in the transitional training.

in the next two to three years phase II of the wildlife-release center will commence. The phase II project will include an academic exchange center, reproductive enclosure, youth ecological education experience village, multi-functional theater, scientific research room, observation station, and much more.

1.Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Dujiangyan Breeding and Wild-release Research Center – Specialists Workstation.

Purpose: provide international and domestic giant panda specialists work and scientific research.


2.Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Dujiangyan Breeding and Wild-release Research Center – Giant Panda Enclosure.

Purpose: artificial feeding of giant pandas during the wild transitional training period.


Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Dujiangyan Breeding and Wild-release Research Center – Giant Panda Education Village.

Purpose: spread knowledge about giant pandas and improve public awareness and actions towards wildlife and environmental protection.



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