

"Giant Panda Scientific Research Program"


As a flagship species in world biodiversity conservation, the iconic giant panda is honored as a “living fossil” as it has survived for over 8 million years, and yet it still is a mystery of biology. If these mysteries are unraveled, it will be extremely beneficial to giant panda population management, animal welfare and conservation works. Other works that are similar to giant panda research are the studies on the golden monkey, red panda, golden pheasant, takin, antelope, muntjac,tufted deer and other rare or endangered species. By funding the scientific research programs in the fields of species’ genetics, disease control, prevention and vaccine development, the progress of scientific management on rare and endangered animals and population recovery and reintroduction will be promoted vigorously.



The realization of the significance and ultimate goal of scientific research on giant panda and other rare and endangered animals would be unachievable without environmental education and public education. Especially in China, where there is still yet much to do in these relevant fields, more input is required to improve the related supporting facilities, increase public awareness, and harmony between man and nature so that sustainable development can be realized. Chengdu Giant Panda Breading Research Foundation is committed to funding the giant panda and rare and endangered animal protection, breeding research and public education for the purpose of facilitating the ex-situ and in-situ conservation of giant panda and rare and endangered animals and pushing forward the sustainable development of wildlife protection.


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